M.E. Chapter 33: Merry is ignored a lot

"Katy," I said after an awkward silence, "I’ve decided something."

"What?" Katy asked. We’d been walking all day and still had another hour or two more before we stopped for the night.

"Your sword is much better than mine." I told her.

It took a moment for Katy to register what I was saying and it was so unlike me to say someone else’s thing was better than mine, "Really?" Katy asked in surprise.

"Yep" I replied.

Katy blinked; she obviously didn’t know what to think, "Um… Thanks. I thought for sure you’d think your sword is better."

"Nope; your sword, Rachel, is a really great sword. Rachel’s got to be the best sword in all of Middle Earth! In the whole world even!" I told her.

Katy was thinking hard on this and finally she realized what I was saying, "Actually, I think your sword, Katy, is better."

"No, really. I insist, your sword’s the better."

"Nope, Katy is."

"No, Rachel is."

"Katy is."

"Rachel is."

"Katy is."










Boromir swung around to face us even though we couldn’t, any of us, see anything, "Would you maidens *please* be quiet??" He yelled, "You both have very nice swords."

I could’ve sworn I heard him mumble that his sword was the best though. We ‘looked’ towards each other, then back to Boromir, "Who’s sword do *you* think is better, Boromir?" I asked.

"Yeah, which one do you think is better, Bory?" Katy agreed.

"I… Um… Do not call me ‘Bory’." He said and quickly turned and walked away before we could restate our question.

We stared after him (as much as you can with blindfolds on) for a moment. "Katy, have you noticed how all the people here are mean? No one will answer our questions!" I said indignantly.

"Yes, I have noticed that!" Katy agreed, "Frodo, tell me honestly, why won’t anyone answer our questions? Do you all hate us??"

Frodo sighed, ‘why of the eight members of the Fellowship and all the random elves, had they chosen to ask him?’ he wondered and so simply answered, "Because."

"There they go again." I sighed.

But Katy wasn’t giving up so easily, "What kind of an answer is that, Frodo Baggins? I thought you were raised better than that!"

"You leave Mr. Frodo alone, you!" Sam exclaimed angrily.

"Sam really, I’m alright." Frodo insisted skillfully ignoring Merry’s "It is ‘I am’, Frodo". Probably a skill perfected from his years in living with him in Brandybuck hall.

"Nonsense Mr. Frodo. I said I’d keep you safe and that is just what I mean to do!" Sam explained pulling Frodo away.

"’I would’ Sam." Merry corrected only to be ignored again.

Frodo sighed, "Sorry, but there is no stopping him when he gets like this." He called back to us.

We were silent for about 30 seconds trying to compute what happened then just shrugged it off.

"Now, where were we?" I asked.

"Oh, oh! I remember, pick me!" Katy exclaimed.

"Um… Katy?" I asked, unsure.

"Your sword’s better than mine!" She stated proudly.

I smiled, "No yours is better."

"No, yours."

"No, yours."

"No, yours."

"No, yours."

"No, yours."

As we continued to argue I could hear the elves sigh and mutter to each other in elvish. Probably something about leaving us behind in the morning. I shrugged, I could probably find my way to Caras Galadhon from here anyways. "No, yours." I continued.

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